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#2 Mangrove Beach Corendon Curacao
#2 Mangrove Beach Corendon Curacao
7 reviews
Belle semaine sous le soleil et chaleur
Points positifs: -proximité à pied de Willemstad (20 minutes avec un enfant) -hôtel récent (ouverture 2021) bien que quelques signes d'usure prématuré qui était plutôt esthétique, qui n'ont en rien affecté notre sejour -Le BBQ étaient vraiment excellent et l'Italien étaient bon, nous n'avons pas mangé aux deux autres. -Nous avons très bien mangé toute la semaine, mais les choix sont très répétitifs au buffet. -Les chambres étaient grandes, propres et bien insonorisée entre elles, mais pas particulièrement entre le corridor et celles-ci. -Lits et oreillers bien confortables, nous avons bien dormi -Nous avons pu faire du snorkeling directement de la plage de l'hôtel et nous avons vu beaucoup de poissons et plusieurs tortues -L'air climatisé fonctionnait très bien -Nous nous sommes sentis en sécurité en tout temps, que ce soit sur le resort ou ailleurs sur l'île (de jour comme de soir). La nourriture était excellente dans tous les restos hors resort que nous avons faits. -l'eau est potable et de bonne qualité partout sur l'île. -nous avons loué une voiture avec la compagnie disponible directement a l'hôtel. Très bonne expérience, rien a redire. -Malgré que l'hôtel était pleins, nous attendions peu pour les drinks ou autre. Le petit café ouvert 24hres était bien et le café était bon. -l'hôtel est très petit, très facile d'accéder a tout rapidement -l'hôtel est a seulement une 20aine de minutes de l'aéroport. -Lea glissades d'eau étaient amusantes, autant pour les petits que les grands. Points négatifs: -peu de choix de restaurants a la carte (2 sans réservations et 2 avec réservations). Il faut arriver avant 18:00 si on ne veut pas attendre un long moment pour avoir une table pour les sans réservations. -buffet ouvre tard si on voyage avec des enfants le midi et le soir (12:30 et 19:00). -Le Snack de la plage était ok (poulet genre shish taouk, hot dog, hamburger, frites), mais redondant également. -Le personnel semble blazé de manière général (évidemment, il y a quelques exceptions) -Beaucoup de pigeons sont présents dans la salle à manger (qui est a l'extérieur), rien n'est fait pour les éloigner. Ils se nourrissent de la nourriture laissée dans les assiettes sur les tables. Ils volent au dessus de nous et marchent sur les tables. Normalement, ça ne nous dérange pas, mais c'était tannant de devoir les repousser pour pouvoir manger tranquille. -Des parasols sont disponibles a la plage gratuitement, par contre, il est nécessaire de payer 20$ US pour un palapas et 100$ US pour une cabanas. Nous n'avons jamais vu un endroit où on charge pour les palapas... Les parasols sont petits et tombaient les journées de grand vent, nous étions un groupe, c'était tannant de devoir les déplacer pour ne pas cuire sous le soleil. -La plage est petite et très rocailleuse Pour certaines personnes ceci peut-être des points négatifs, ça ne nous a pas dérangé outre mesure, mais je le mentionne quand même. -Aucun service aux tables au buffet, on doit se lever pour aller chercher nos boissons (liqueurs, vin, jus, café, etc). Le personnel est là seulement pour desservir, laver et mettre les ustensiles. Ceci étant dit, nous avons dû desservir notre table a quelques reprises a notre arrivée car ce n'avait pas été fait. Le service aux tables est offert aux restaurants a la carte. -Il n'y a pas de représentant d'AC sur place ou de disponible, ils ont sous contracté a une compagnie d'excursions, donc, la rencontre de bienvenue sera pour vous vendre des excursions seulement et si vous avez des questions, il vous réfère à l'hôtel. -L'Autobus pour nous amener à l'aéroport était prévu 3:00 avant le vol (alors qu'ils demandent d'y être 4hres a l'avance). Il a été en retard de 40 minutes. Nous avons été ok, mais ça a occasionné du stress chez plusieurs voyageurs de l'hôtel. -Peu d'ambiance le soir, pour ceux qui veulent faire la fête, ce resort n'est pas pour vous. A ne pas oublier: Des souliers d'eau pour les plages (resort et autre)
#4 Sunscape Curacao Resort Spa And Casino
#4 Sunscape Curacao Resort Spa And Casino
116 reviews
Not Great
Let me start by saying my wife and I aren't really fussy people. Give us a vacation property with a nice beach, a clean room, and decent food and we're happy. The Sunscape Curacao was a beautiful property but that's about all it has going for it. Lets start with arrival at the property. After a five hour flight from Ontario and the 45min plus bus ride to the property, all you want to do is get to your room and unwind. Our first observation is this place lacks organization on pretty much every level. There were no signs or guidance from staff on what the check in process was so like others we lined up at the counter, staffed by only one person, and waited. After about 15 minutes or so we found out that because we were Sun Club members we were in the wrong line so we had to get out of that line and into the Sun Club VIP check in line. Yes we sprung the extra $500 for the Sun Club basically because we wanted a ocean front room. All the other perks that come with Sun Club are a joke but more on that later. So we finally check in and get to the room and are then asked by staff to not unpack yet because they gave us a room with 2 queen beds and not the 1 king bed we asked for and moreover, the family checking into the room next to us would like to switch with us. So we stand around for another 20 minutes waiting to see if we are staying in that room or moving. Turns out, they left us in that room and we were fine with that. The room itself was just ok in my opinion but it was clean and the bed comfortable so all good. Where the real disappointment comes in at this property is the food. We have been to a number of all inclusive resorts but the food choices, quality, and consistency was the worst we have ever seen. To be honest at this point we were contemplating calling our travel agent to see how fast she could get us out of this place and back home. The food in the buffet was appalling. Pretty much every day it consisted of the same poor choices of Ox tail stew, goat stew, dried out rice, runny mashed potatoes, some find of fish, and on occasion some kind of pasta dish the was passed off as lasagna. There was also a section with sliced meats and cheese as well as salads, none of which was refrigerated so it was left out in the heat for hours with flies all over the place. Needless to say we did not eat in there other than breakfast. So other than the buffet the only places to eat on the resort are the Italian restaurant, The Grill (burgers, nachos and stuff ), and the Japanese restaurant that you need to get reservations for. Because we were Sun Club members we also had exclusive access to a seafood restaurant as well. Apparently their concept of a seafood restaurant is much different than what we in the north think of. Like all the other restaurants this one had the same 3 or 4 entre choices every single day. There were two kinds of fish, a steak, or chicken skewers. That's it. The other restaurants were the same. You could pick from the same 3 or 4 options every day. Honestly if we had young kids I don't know what we would have fed them. So lets talk about Sun Club. I already covered the exclusive dining but in addition to that you are suppose to have a nicer room, fully stocked room fridge, top-shelf liquors, and discount coupons for other services. As mentioned previously, the room was just ok, the fridge was not kept stocked unless you constantly asked them, and the top-shelf liquors were Absolut vodka, Bacardi rum, and some kind of rye I have never heard of. On top of that they must have had daily limits on those as they were always running out of them even though one time when they were out of Bacardi I saw a bottle under the bar in the cupboard. The real low point for me was the discount coupons though. First of all they pressure you by saying you can only get them within 24 hours of your arrival and then when you enquire it turns out to be a sales pitch to come and sit in on a seminar to get you to join the Hyatt club with access to all Hyatt resorts. What a scam. For this reason I will never stay at a Hyatt owned property again. Other disappointing experiences we had, and this has more to do with Air Canada vacations than the resort, was the representative that was sent to meet with us on our first day to tell us about the island and what tours were available. As it turns out this guy was only on-site for one hour and in that time we had to decide what tours we wanted to do for the week. By the time we, and others, had gone away for a few minutes to decide, he was gone. We ended up with a very limited choice of things to do on the island. Also worth mentioning is this resort could use more variety in the music that was played. By about day 3 we were getting a little tired of hearing the Macarena 5 times a day. Bottom line, for such a beautiful property it was very disappointing. This place could be so much better if they would greatly improve the food quality and choices, as well as their processes. The staff are very friendly and helpful but this place is greatly understaffed. The lobby bar, at any given time only had one person staffing it. The pool bar was not much better. On top of that the servers from the on-site restaurants had to go to these bars to fill drink orders for people in the restaurant. This would mean the lone bartender not only had to serve people at the bar but also make drinks for the restaurant. Just crazy. We talked to a few other people at the resort and like us they said they would never return to this resort for much of the same reasons listed above. It's worth mentioning that before we signed up for vacation we talked to a few family and friends who had been to the resort before and their experience was much better. What we heard from some guests at the resort is it was much better a year ago before the Hyatt chain took over. Pretty disappointing from a big name like Hyatt, they really need to do things better.
#5 Dreams Curacao Resort Spa And Casino
#5 Dreams Curacao Resort Spa And Casino
6 reviews
Went as a solo traveler for the main purpose of relaxing and seeing Curacao as well as provide feedback to my friend who is looking for a wedding venue. From the moment I arrived to the hotel, I was greeted and check in went very smoothly with Vienna (I think that was her name :/). From there, I was placed in a room to which was not what I had originally requested. I went back to the check in and they wonderfully gave me another room with no issues. The entire week (exception of the last day - 3 hours in a seminar which I wished was earlier in the week) was wonderful, they ensured that I was okay and asked if I needed anything. They have a Café, which was wonderful & staff were very friendly. Coffee, tea, ice cream, cookies are included in your package but please bring enough sunscreen, bug repellant / after bite etc. Items here are extremely expensive! If you're planning to purchase gift items, go to the City as well. Very expensive! I noticed that after a storm, there was a sewage smell coming from the drains in the bathroom, but didn't last once room was aired out. Still concerned that it was backing up :/ Due to large family groups, the beach was "taken over" and hellish to find a spot. It is a small private beach so not much the hotel staff can do in this case. Please take your water shoes, the rocks can hurt your feet when trying to get in the water. Once you're in, you will see beautiful fish so take your snorkeling gear! If you're a "foodie" you may have concerns with the menu, suggest going and trying out the different restaurants in the City. Otherwise, food okay in the resort. Sunset Grill & Oceana was my favorite. You will need salt, pepper and some hot sauce for other meals, but the staff were amazing and friendly. My breakfast and lunch in the main area always came with a greeting & a smile! Beautiful people inside & out! Lastly, I can't forget Esther Matthew from the Tour desk - TOP NOTCH customer service, without her, I would probably would've missed some tours due to my own airline rep ignoring my requests. Go see her when you arrive and you will be treated very well with a smile! Entertainment was not what I expected, there's so much history in Curacao but the entertainment did not reflect it. Very "plain"... Suggest finding entertainment in the City, more cultural ;) If your room is facing the beach, be warned that the bars are also there. A couple of nights I couldn't fall asleep as there were people drinking and being very loud. But all in all, I would go back and stay with Dreams.

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