Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort And Spa

Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort And Spa
3.77 based on 225 reviews
#13 of 26 hotels The popularity scale (#1/15) classifies all the hotels of a single destination according to the number of grades received on 5 and the total number of reviews. in Cayo Santa Maria
Rated 4 stars
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Had a great time

, Gatineau, QC
Although some things were missing, we still had a great time. The beach is not the best but i enjoyed it. I know of a little spot beside the beach that is just beautuful. perfit for snorkeling.
The staff were great and fun. Thank you for a good time.
Bring gifts for the staff. (kids, medication, school stuff) i heard that some love chocolate. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures

Grand aston

, Stratford, ON
Was not a pleasant experience at all.
Upon arrival I received one bottle of water for a room of three people. For the next 3 days are showers did not work? Our toilet would not flush the sink had no water coming out and we did not receive any bottles of water. We asked for water at the front desk. They said somebody would bring us one but never did and then the following 2 days we got a letter stating that there's a water shortage on the resort..
Our towels were not changed when the rooms were cleaned.
Our toilet constantly smelled like urine and feces because you couldn't flush
We had to use a friend's room to shower because our water in the shower was not working at all. The food was horrible. It was tolerable for the first couple days but they never switched the food up. It was always same bland thing. They didn't have a variety of fruits.
Overall I didn't enjoy my vacation
It was also a family resort but there was really nothing for kids there other than one foam party
The beach was horrible after a 15minute walk to the beach in the heat . The beach was full of corals and dirt [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Pool was alright
The weak points
Food Room Room service Toilet showers

DO NOT GO HERE- no food or water and raw sewage

, Fredericton, NB
We have travelled to Cuba 12 times and stayed all over the beautiful country. People always ask about food and water shortage but we had never experienced it until this trip.
We ended up moving to another resort on day two. Here are some of the reasons why:
1. No Food, there is one small buffet for 400 people and it's the first time that I have experienced people literally pushing and becoming aggressive to get food. With a 6 year old, this was scary to him.
2. No Water- we couldn't even buy water at the store on site of the hotel.
3. Raw Sewage spewing from the manholes all over the walking paths down to the beach and actually running into the ocean where people swim.
4. Beach is all coral, not safe for swimming, cut feet and rolled ankles.
5. Staff- this one gets to me because I know how important these jobs are for people however I have to be honest and I have never encountered any staff that were genuinely miserable.
6. The manager was cordial when we requested to move next door to Dhawa but then no one would help us, they wouldn't help with luggage, golf cart to get us next door or even call us a taxi. Thankfully our travel rep helped us bring our luggage down and managed to get us on a bus so we didn't have to walk with all our things.
7. No kids area, the area was completely shut down and roped off and the kids pool had no water in it. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points
No water and not enough food for the amount of guests, raw sewage, dangerous beach, miserable staff, no kids area as promoted.
Sanitary measures
Raw sewage spewing from several man holes on the walking paths that all led directly into the ocean where people swim.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2024-03-08
Dear Alicia: We are very sorry to hear you went back bearing in mind this sombre image of your stay at GRAND ASTON Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. It is a fact that, we went through a very difficult situation with the water provision. Even though we tried to patch the situation by pouring water from tank vehicles into our main deposit, most our guests, were affected to some extent, as you were explained, depending on the exact place their rooms were located. The problem was completely solved and as time past, the whole situation came back to normal. We are now able to focus in the improvement of our services. Such is the case of our food. With our chef and some team work, we have been able to increase our customer´s level of satisfaction in this crucial aspect. Regarding the beach, our beach was built by man, the sand was extracted from the sea, this sand usually has shells and snails, which our workers rake daily. We are seriously committed to keep on improving the quality of our services so our future travelers feel all the pleasure they deserve. We reiterate our apologies for the inconveniences presented while in our care and we heartily thank your contribution. Best regards, Sales Manager

Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa

, Sherbrook, QC
We knew what to expect in Cuba but this was our worst experience. Surely not a 4 star hotel. As the years go buy, Cuba hotels get worst, food, drinks are missing. Very unfortunate for them because they live with tourism because of very bad experiences, we will never return. Will never recommend. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2024-01-12
Dear Nathalie: We thank you for choosing our hotel as your place to stay while in GRAND ASTON Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa and for taking the time to write a review about our hotel. We have read your detailed review of our hotel and let me apologize for the inconvenience caused. We realize that this is not in accordance with your expectations. We are working hard with our team of Food and Beverage Department to improve the quality of the food, and give a better service to our guests. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced. We hope to meet you when you return to our resort and of course with better service from us. Best regards, Sales Manager


, Hamilton, ON
Check in was a breeze! I was in the #4 building so I was right across from the main pool/buffet which was really nice. It was a little walk to get to the beach though, but i didn't mind a little walking. The main bar/pool/beach bar staff were all amazing as well as the rest of the staff!! We had lots of food available, the a la carts were delicious! And lots of booze to choose from!! It was my second trip to Cuba, first time at this resort, definitely won't be the last!! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-12-05
Dear Paulo Rioux: It has felt really good to read your lively review on your recent vacation at GRAND ASTON Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. We heartily thank your compliments addressed to our facilities and services and most particularly, our staff. They make us all really proud of this, our little piece of the world. Our potential travelers will certainly be helped from all your comments and recommendations and we very much appreciate the good advertisement you are making for us. Thank You Very Much for your great review, I am very happy to see that you had such a great vacation with us, I hope I can see you in a near future!! Best regards, Sales Manager

Great bang for the buck

, Toronto, ON
I would give this resort a solid 4.5 Cuba stars for sure. We hadn't been to Cuba in 13 years, so we were pleasantly surprised with the quality of food. We had a la carte every evening which was amazing. Buffet at breakfast and lunch or a la carte at the adults only restaurant. Of course the staff were amazing! It is low season, so both our plane and resort were half empty. Bring US $ to shop and tip can be CAD or USD (they can't use loonies or toonies unless a CAD tourist buys them for paper bills). All in all, a great week in the sun. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The beach was perfect for people with mobility issues. Very shallow and no waves, made getting in and out a breeze. Tram to the beach. Super quiet on the beach and no peddlers. The staff were amazing, so helpful. Food was excellent too.
The weak points
First floor accommodations for people with mobility issues, still require you to climb stairs unless you are in building #3.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-10-11
Dear Steve: We have been delighted by your review! We feel really proud of having inspired such nice comments even though there is always a lot that can be done to make guests happy. We especially appreciate your compliments to our staff since we very heartily believe they make the difference! We hope you honor us with another opportunity to serve you and offer you another memorable holiday. Best regards, Sales Manager

Magnifique voyages

, Saint-Arsène, QC
Je vais à Cayo Santa Maria chaque année depuis plus de 10 ans. Je suis aller 3 fois au Grand-Ashton Las Brujas. Et j'y retournerai encore. Le personnel se souvient de moi, à chaque fois j'ai droit à des employer souriant et serviables. Là meilleurs façon de recevoir un bon service à cette hôtel, est de parler avec eux, se s'informer, de vouloir apprendre sur leur culture, de rire avec eux, aucunement besoin de parler espagnol, il vont tous faire pour se faire
Comprendre d'une manière ou d'une autre. Ce ne sont pas les pourboires qui vont faire en sorte de se sentir comme à la maison.
J'ai hâte d'y retourner à chaque fois.
Dès mon arriver à la réception tout s est toujours bien passer, j'ai fais la connaissance du personnel à l'accueil, j'ai été agréablement surprise par leur professionnalisme et leur débrouillardise ( malgré un manque de matériaux ou produit). Je suis toujours heureuse de discuter avec eux en leur apportant un bon petit café (non pas nécessairement des pourboires à chaque fois ). J'essaie de les chouchouter un peu, parce que si j'ai un problème c'est eux qui sont en première ligne pour m'aider. Et ce sont eux aussi en première ligne pour gérer des clients plus…. « Déplaisant ». je tient à souligner l'excellent travail de Danayra , Daily And Yunior. ils font des horaires de travail de 24 h (7am-7am) et le lendemain matin ils sont aussi souriant que la veille. Danayra a fais des pieds et des mains pour répondre à tout mes exigence et rendre mon voyage beaucoup plus agréable.
Un des directeurs du resort, Feliciano, se mêle à la clientèle pour discuter et prendre des suggestions des clients pour améliorer le service à la clientèle.
Pour ce qui es des restaurants, j'ai toujours reçu un excellent service au snack de la piscine (24/24h). Au buffet, oui le choix est parfois Moin abondant, mais on y mange très bien, nous avons eu droit à un souper Sushie, fais directement devant nous, et ils étaient délicieux, première fois que je mangeais des Sushie à cuba. Tout dépend si vous prenez un voyage dans la saison forte ou la saison basse. Si l'hôtel est à pleine capacité tout seras ouvert dans l'hôtel, mais à la saison basse, ils essaient de centraliser le plus possible la clientèle. Les resto à la carte sont très délicieux , j'ai manger d'excellent T-bones très épais, de bonne langouste et de très bon plat Italien ( avec du boeuf haché dans la sauce). Nous étions un petit groupe ´, donc nous pouvions profiter du resto à la carte chaque soir, Notre table étais déjà réserver d'avance avec notre bouteille de mousseux dans la glace par notre serveur préférer Michel qui malgré le « rush » étais toujours très souriant et blagueur.
Si vous êtes dans la section adultes, vous avez un restaurant ( déjeunées et lunch) seulement pour adultes à côté de la piscine. Iliana ( serveuse à ce resto) vous accueilleras avec un grand sourire et elle aimeras bien vous taquiner. La piscine pour adulte est beaucoup plus tranquille si vous préférer, sinon les piscines familiale sont très belles et ils y a beaucoup d'activité durant la journée . J'ai discuter longuement avec Kiriam Alejandro qui est là pour aider la clientèle , et en saison forte il est Major-d'homme dans la section fiesta (VIP), il parle très bien le français et l'anglais, un peu le russe et l'italien.
Prendre le temps de discuter avec les Billboy ( conducteur de voiturette) ils vont vous faire rire, un appel à la réception pour une carte de chambre non fonctionnelle et Ivan étais venu la porter en main propre. Yandy an Ivan sont très drôle, nous rions beaucoup avec eux. Nous appellions affectueusement Ivan « cuban cowboy » [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
La plage x1000 Le personnel de la réception Danayra, Daily et Yunior L'animation avec Luissito. Les restos. Un des directeur Feliciano. Je n'aurais pas assez de place pour nomme tous ceux qui ont rendu mon voyage merveilleux.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-06-29
Cher josianne Ouellet: Ce fut un grand plaisir que vous ayez choisi à nouveau notre Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa pour vos vacances; où il se trouve à coup sûr vous passerez un agréable séjour et en garderez des souvenirs inoubliables. Vous êtes les bienvenus à Cuba comme dans notre complexe. Nous apprécions que vous preniez le temps de publier une si belle critique; nous sommes très heureux de savoir que vous avez vécu une expérience merveilleuse dans notre Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa; et bien sûr, nous continuerons à travailler dur pour améliorer tous nos services et installations. Nous transmettrons vos félicitations à tout le personnel que vous avez mentionné; ils sont très professionnels et nous sommes très fiers d'eux. S'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir quand vous venez. J'ai hâte !! Nous apprécions vraiment que vous nous ayez contactés pour passer vos vacances et il ne fait aucun doute qu'une fois de retour chez vous, vous emporterez avec vous l'un des souvenirs de joie les plus incroyables qu'il soit possible d'avoir. Avec nos meilleures salutations, Directeur commercial Yamila Herrera Sanchez

June Gataway

, Cambridge, ON
Very nice beach, one of the best beaches in Cuba.
Hotel itself is very beautiful and staff is good!
I wish some staff members were more friendly and I don't like the queues in morning when waiting for food.
As you know Cuba is Cuba and you dont' go there for food you go there to see the beach.
Overall we had very great experience! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-06-28
Dear Elvira Sakara: We have really loved your review. Everything about your experience at our premises has been described in a synthetic, matter-of-fact and honest way. We are sure our potential customers will benefit from it, and especially, from your simple and wise recommendations to make their stay more pleasant. Thank you so much! It will always be a pleasure to be your hosts once again and assist you during another memorable holiday. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Pire voyage à Cuba dans ce to hotel

, Saint-Nicolas, QC
Arrivés à l'aéroport dans la soirée, nous avons pris le trajet en bus de l'aéroport de Santa Clara à l'hôtel, ce qui nous a pris près de 2 heures dans le noir total (on aurait pu croire que toute cette région du pays était éclairée par une seule pile AAA) pour se rendre à l'hôtel. Les chasseurs de crabes étaient partout sur la route avec leurs lampes de poche pour attraper les pauvres et malheureux crabes traversant l'asphalte, ce qui a encore contribué à ralentir davantage notre déplacement.
Tout au long de ce trajet interminable, nos oreilles ont été bombardées et agressées par les décibels d'une vieille guide qui s'appelait MARIA, et qui nous a demandé de l'appeler MAMA MARIA. Elle a dit qu'elle était notre mère cubaine.
Je tiens à le mentionner, car cela faisait partie du forfait de cet hôtel.
Après à peine 2 minutes dans le bus, nous nous sommes retrouvés avec notre mère que nous ne connaissions ni d'Eve ni d'Adam (tombée du ciel) qui récitait sa cassette habituelle dont la face 1 concernait un maigre plat réchauffé d'un un semblant de culture (sans queue ni tête), et la face B surtout qui concernait la quête et la mendicité. Elle insistait à chaque tour de langage pour qu'on leur donne un pourboire à elle et au chauffeur, après avoir fait un exposé, tel un cheveu sur la soupe, sur la misère de son pays, comme si nous étions une délégation de l'UNICEF en mission.
C'était tout simplement une agression, voire une pollution, des oreilles de notre groupe de voyageurs à peine arrivé sur ce sol (supposément accueillant) à cause de ce discours solliciteur, quémandeur, intempestif et mendiant prescrit et infligé et qu'il fallait écouter et endurer jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions enfin à l'hôtel où j'avais préalablement payé pour une chambre avec vue sur la mer.
Une fois arrivé sur les lieux, il était environ 22 heures, je suis tombé sur une réceptionniste incompétente, très paresseuse et froide comme un iceberg, du nom de DANAYRA, qui m'a proposé une chambre qui ne correspondait aucunement à celle pour laquelle j'avais payé 200 $ de plus qu'une une chambre régulière, et ce, principalement et exclusivement pour avoir un balcon en face de la mer.
Bien sûr, dans mon plein droit, j'ai décliné cette chambre totalement hors sujet après l'avoir visitée (erreur sur la personne), ainsi que par la suite plusieurs autres chambres similaires et inappropriées que j'ai dû visiter les unes après les autres, et dont aucune ne correspondait à celle face à la mer pour laquelle j'avais déboursé un supplément monétaire non négligeable, et dont normalement je devais avoir la clé dès mon arrivée. En plus, j'avais pris le soin d'imprimer les documents de voyage qui le confirmaient, et qui étaient en ma possession, au cas qu'une panne d'électricité ou d'internet envahisse la réception de l'hôtel à mon arrivée. Mais, la fameuse et cauchemardesque DANARYA avait sûrement oublié ses lunettes et son cerveau ce jour-là!
Par conséquent plusieurs promenades inconfortables à bord des acrobatiques voiturettes de golf avec divers "maletéros" (comme on les appelle localement) m'étaient réservées pour visiter inutilement d'autres chambres inappropriées. Il faut noter qu'à chaque promenade tortueuse à bord de ces engins dangereux quand ils roulent trop vite le soir (vu qu'il n'y a pas de piétons ni d'autres engins similaires en sens contraire), j'ai dû verser des pourboires à chaque reprise à ces heureux conducteurs, parce qu'ils n'avaient rien à voir avec cette mascarade.
Malheureusement, et pour ne pas passer la nuit au grand air avec les lézards, à cause de cette réceptionniste indigne de ce nom et encore moins de cette profession, glacialement froide et ouvertement irrespectueuse, j'ai dû dormir, malgré moi, dans une chambre bien ordinaire avec vue sur un palmier colossal qui voulait presque envahir le balcon et la chambre.
Le lendemain matin, avant même le petit-déjeuner, et sans aucun sentiment d'être en vacances, mais plutôt totalement déçu et désorienté, j'ai joint à pieds la réception (J'ai eu mon quota et mon indigestion des voiturettes de golf la veille),et, grâce à Dieu, j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer la reine de l'hospitalité cubaine et la perle du service à la clientèle : Il s'agit de cette formidable gérante et cheffe de la réception, cette dame qui sait pourquoi elle se rend au travail à tous les matins dans ce même hôtel : tout simplement et irrévocablement pour honorer sa profession, vivre sa passion et chérir ses clients dont le confort et la satisfaction lui tiennent tellement à coeur, et qui constituent sa première et unique priorité au travail.
Cette dame extraordinaire, qui m'a libérée des griffes empoisonnées de DANARYA (façon littéraire d'exprimer ce sauvetage) n'est nulle autre que la très professionnelle et dévouée Mme GIANNY, cette mine d'or du Gran Aston, qui a corrigé en 2 fois 3 mouvements cette gaffe et cette bavure héritées de sa collègue incompétente de la veille. Ça a pris moins de 5 minutes pour mettre fin à cette mascarade, voire cette injustice, et ce, avec toute la simplicité et le confort du monde, avec moult regrets, et, en plus, avec tant de grâce !
Par ailleurs, en parlant de déceptions et de mauvaises surprises, la cerise sur le gâteau est qu'un soir, un jeune barman du bar du hall a refusé de mettre une tranche de citron dans mon verre car il m'a dit ouvertement qu'il ne restait plus qu'un seul citron au bar (qu'il a pris la peine de parader devant mes yeux), et qu'il voulait (comme si c'était son père le propriétaire du complexe, et encore!) l'emporter chez lui. Je lui ai proposé de lui donner assez d'argent pour acheter plein de citrons pour sa maison en échange de mettre une tranche de ce précieux trésor dans mon verre (pour ne pas gâcher ma soirée et être intempestivement obligé de changer de type de boisson) : il a catégoriquement refusé, sarcastiquement et fantastiquement en plus !
Côté nourriture, le buffet est très ordinaire, redondant, répétitif, voire stérile à la longue. Jamais de fruits de mer durant ma semaine, contrairement aux photos de la propagande. Je n'ai pas vu une seule crevette de toute ma semaine. Toujours la même austérité digestive (plat de choux à la tomate, plats de tomate demi-verte et fromage blanc dessus, toujours les mêmes morceaux de calamars répulsifs (sans goût ni saveur, on dirait qu'ils sont synthétiques…) et, bien sûr, la fameuse soupe de potiron (soupe de citrouille) toute la semaine. Même le « restaurant à la carte » offre uniquement de la soupe au potiron même si d'autres sortes de soupes sont inscrites au menu: juste pour le décorer, j'imagine !
C'est comme si l'Halloween durait toute l'année dans ce coin du globe, et que les menus n'ont pas été mis à jour en conséquence, faute de minutie, de civisme et de professionnalisme surtout!
D'ailleurs, 80% de ces restaurants fantômes « à la carte » étaient fermés !
Il est digne de mentionner également que le snack-bar ouvert 24h / 24 n'est rien d'autre qu'une très médiocre sorte de cafétéria aussi froide qu'austère. Pour moi, ce snack-bar ressemblait plus à un refuge pour sans-abri. Si vous y allez tard après une soirée festive, attendez-vous à des spaghettis froids avec une sorte de sauce tomate en conserve dessus, quand, bien sûr, l'étrange et bizarre préposé décide de se présenter derrière le comptoir.
Comme après chaque cauchemar, il y a un réveil salvateur, libérateur et réconfortant : j'ai cependant retenu, à part l'extraordinaire responsable de la réception, Mme GIANNY, une autre magnifique employée, incroyablement dévouée et extrêmement sympathique envers ses touristes visiteurs et clients sans manifester aucun quelconque intérêt pour le pourboire, contrairement à tous ses collègues effrontés partout dans ce complexe qui te le font savoir dès que tu mets un pied dans leur secteur d'activité que le généreux pourboire est quasi-obligatoire. Sans parler de toutes celles et ceux qui nous demandent de leur échanger de la monnaie canadienne contre des billets en papier parce que leurs magasins exigent des billets, comme si on était au travail sous la bannière "bureau de change"!
Peut-on faire comprendre, svp, que le but d'un pareil voyage est de se reposer après une année de dur labeur, de travail et d'économies, et non pas comme but de régler les problèmes politiques ou de pauvreté de la population de notre destination ? Est-ce que c'est vraiment dur à comprendre?
Revenons à nos moutons, comme dit l'adage:
jeune dame qui sauve les meubles, comme on dit en français, et nulle autre que l'accueillante, la dévouée et la généreuse serveuse Mme Mirlaiby Hernandez Navaro. Cette dynamique et gentille jeune mère de famille est quotidiennement d'une élégance et d'une fraîcheur extraordinaires. Elle s'occupe de ses invités, dont elle estime la valeur, de manière méticuleuse, attentionnée, enthousiaste, et surtout très sincère.
Selon moi, ces deux employées modèles et extraordinaires méritent vraiment une reconnaissance exclusive, une reconnaissance distinguante et distinctive ainsi qu'une gratitude colossale de la part de leur employeur « Gran Aston », absent sur le terrain pour détecter et évincer les employés toxiques et répulsifs qui contribuent librement au l'auto-faillite du complexe, voire le Hara-Kiri de cet hôtel qui, je suis sûr, disparaitra de la mappe touristique sous peu.
Je me donne comme mandat de faire des démarches personnelles afin de louanger et faire valoir les mérites extraordinaires de ces 2 employées modèles et intègres auprès de cette institution gouvernementale nommée « Gaviota » qui possède et gère toute l'industrie touristique à Cuba, celle qui a pour unique but la valorisation, le succès, le développement, la propagande positive et l'expansion du tourisme national, première source de revenu de l'Île en entier. (Oublions le tabac, la canne a sucre, et la citrouille). Malheureusement, cette institution fait confiance à ses employés, des gens qui volent et qui pillent (parfois sous nos propres yeux au buffet, et sans parler de ceux qui se saoulent dans les bars avant les clients.
Tout bien considéré, je ne reviendrai personnellement plus jamais à cet hôtel, voire à cette boîte de pandore !
En fait, je ne remettrai plus jamais les pieds à Cayo Santa Maria ! Je ne veux aucunement mettre des citrons dans ma valise à travers mes chemises et mes sous-vêtements avant de partir en voyage.
C'est juste dommage ! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Mme Giannai et Mme Mirlaiby
The weak points
tous les employés qui n'honorent pas leur travail pour lequel ils son payés.
Sanitary measures
rien à signaler
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-06-28
Cher Client: Merci d'avoir séjourné au Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. Nous, la direction, nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée lors de votre séjour à l'hôtel. Nous reverrons à nouveau la qualité de nos chambres en procédant à un entretien périodique plus intensif afin que le même incident ne se reproduise plus. En ce qui concerne les suggestions données, nous les utiliserons pour améliorer la qualité à l'avenir. Nous espérons avoir la possibilité de fournir un service plus optimal à l'avenir. Meilleurs voeux Directeur commercial Yamila Herrera Sánchez

Great entertainment team.

, Scarborough, ON
Great resort, awesome personal, overall experience was excellent. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The best entertainment team. Millions of thanks to David, Fito, Yacel and Luis. They made my staying amazing.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-06-06
Dear Bulina: Thank You Very Much for your great review, I am very happy to see that you had such a great vacation with us, I hope I can welcome you at our resort in a near future!! Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Meh.. Just OK

, Scarborough, ON
We traveled May 24-31, 2023. We booked with Air Transat.

They changed the plane to SmartLynx a week before. It's very basic with no inflight entertainment. Food is available for purchase. Going to Cuba, I slept most of the way, so we didn't get any food. Coming back, we purchased Pizza and chips. Prices were not too bad. I do have to say that, that we were very annoyed with the costumer service rep at YYZ Airport. We both had carry on luggage and it was within the measurement guidelines. However, she made us check it in. At the gate, she was going around and making other people check in their carry on as well threatening them with baggage fees. When I checked us in 24 hours before, I tried to get us seat in the front, but it was all greyed out. I asked if there were any available seats, and she said no. But suddenly, there seemed to be seats up in front for people who checked their carry on's at the gate. When we boarded the flight, there was tons of seats in the front. She was just miserable.

It's very important that you fill out the necessary paperwork 2 days before your arrival. Immigration is very strict with that. We got our luggage quickly and boarded our transfer bus. The guide was ok. He offered everyone a beer for $5 CAD per can and strongly hinted they expected a tip too (which we always do regardless).

We got to the hotel around 1230pm. Check in is at 4pm. We got our room right away.

We stayed at Building 11 at the Adults only section. Had an Oceanview. The view was lovely. The room was clean, nice, and modern. The bed was very comfortable. The bathroom was ok. We loved the rain shower. The pressure was perfect, and we always had hot water. The toilet constantly ran, and we did tell them, but they didn't seem too bothered by it, and it didn't leak, so we didn't bother following up with them. Our room was cleaned daily with new towels, and beach towels. Fridge was stocked with water.

The resort was operating in maybe 20% capacity during the week we were there. The grounds are nicely landscaped, and you'll always see gardeners working on them. The lobby is where mostly all the entertainment happened. They have several fashion shows and I'm not exactly sure what the point of that is. We felt some of the outfits were borderline too risqué and inappropriate, especially with children watching. They didn't try to push you into buying anything, but it was definitely a time waster. Also, the models didn't exactly look so happy parading nearly naked. The water show was cool to watch, and the dancers at the Michael Jackson show were amazing!!!

The beach is nice. It's not the best beach I've been to in Cuba though. The water is calm and clear. Lots of pretty shells to look at. Saw several fish, and a stingray swim by us. We had a lot of rain in the evenings and night, and that brought in some seaweed and made the water murky and feel muddy for a few days which made the beach unusable. Not a big deal. Mother Nature doing her thing. There are several pools. We used the adult's side only twice. We aren't pool people, but we had a storm, and the beach wasn't usable due to seaweed and mud on 2 of the days. It was ok, but the grout was very loose on the floor, and it looked dirty, so we mostly just lounged on the pool chairs. They also have the rooftop pool at the Fiesta side. We went there once but left after 20 minutes. We didn't feel so welcome there, and when we asked several of the workers if we could be there or if it was private, they didn't really know how to answer, so we left.

We didn't go to Cuba for their culinary delicacies. The buffet was repetitive, but we always found something to eat, and we never starved as some reviews state and made it sound like they would die from starvation. The fresh mangos and guavas were so good! The fried rice at the grill station was pretty good, as were their pork dishes (which is a staple in Cuba). We went to 3 a la Carte's. The Cuban, Caribbean, and Italian twice. The Cuban one was awful. We ended up leaving and going back to the buffet. Caribbean was ok, but we loved the Italian one, so much we went back again. They served Grilled Lobster and Octopus there, and we loved it. The snack bar at the adult's section was ok. We had breakfast there twice. The snack bar by the main pool was very basic. My bf ordered a ham sandwich which is all they had, and it was 2 slices of bread with 2 slices of ham. That's it. No butter, no other condiments. The lobby bar is open 24 hours. We didn't drink too much on this trip, but what we had was pretty good. The coffee is also good.

This part of my review pains me to write this. I have been to Cuba several times, first time in Cayo Santa Maria. We're always very generous with tips. We bring USD because we know that's what they prefer. We were mostly tipping $5 at the restaurants/buffet and our room and $1-2 at the bars. While most were very appreciative, some were quite rude and miserable. Some were blatantly asking us to switch their Canadian dollars to USD and when we said we didn't have anything on us (which was true. We carried only enough per day), their demeanour changed completely. There was also one security guard who actually said to us “Lady, give me a dollar for my baby”. The guy looked old enough to be a grandfather (LOL!!!). We were very put off by these incidents which happened daily. Never in the other visits to Cuba did we ever encounter this type of behaviour regarding money.

The mosquitoes were horrendous. Bring lots of bug spray if you can. I had over 30 bites by day 5 even with me bathing in mosquito repellant. There was one day we barely left the room because I was in so much pain from the bites. Even the employees were telling us how bad it is this year. You've been warned! The internet was spotty and not consistent. It was the strongest in the lobby. They do have carts to take you around the property. The resort is big. We found we didn't need it. We walked a lot, and it didn't bother us. It was a 5-minute walk from Building 11 to the main lobby. Not sure why so many people were complaining about the beach being so far from everything. It's not. Stop being lazy and walk over. The most it will take is 10 minutes from the family side.

Check out was fast. Transfer bus was awful. Several people, including me got motion sickness. I highly suggest purchasing the VIP package from your tour operator at the resort. Well worth the $30 USD pp. You get to bypass the long line at check in, and they have a private lounge with lots of drinks. Alcoholic and non and of course food (which again is basic sandwiches) and bypassing the line when boarding.

I wouldn't come back to this resort, nor return to Cuba again. We didn't like or dislike the resort. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Nice beach.
The weak points
Read the tipping section of my review.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-06-07
Dear Ladylestat: We have been very pleased to receive your opinions regarding your recent vacation at our resort. It feels very rewarding to know, through your words, that you have felt pleased and pampered while under our care even when we have not fully met your expectations in certain aspects. Be sure that we will pay very close attention to your comments in order to be able to provide a higher quality service to our clientele. We will be more than happy to welcome you as faithful guests. Thank you for your contribution. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Avoid at all cost!

, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
As a travelled person, normally you get what you pay for but here, you get way less... If your only goal is to be drunk on rum, wine or beer all day and sun tan then any all-inclusive will do. However if you need at the very least the minimum standards of ANY hotel, this place is plainly laughable, horrible, poorly managed, under staffed etc. The food...DISGUSTING. Looked like prison food and no variety. Not even a plate with slices of cheese. Fruits (pineapple and watermelon) not ripped. Pastas were tasteless. Always lines to get chocolate ice cream because that stuff was rare and hyenas jumped in when it came out. The kicker? You have children? NOT ONE GLASS OF JUICE anywhere in the buffet restaurant. It simply doesn't exist... Chicken, ok the seasoning was good but I kid you not 80% of the serving scoop was full with scraps, miniature bones to break your teeth and stab your gums, or cartilage. No kidding i lost 4 pounds in 7 days there. Thank god for the 24/7 snack bar. Unattended of course so you wait 45 minutes to get the snack of the day, grilled cheese (a bun with a thin slice of white cheese, no butter no taste) or the amazing chicken sandwich lol (same bun, bits of dry chicken WITH bones inside and that's all folks). A friggin' joke. No elevators, keycards had to be replaced 9 times in 7 days... Toilet seat cover not attached. Slimy showers worse than a gym. The maids have no mops!!! they are given rags and use a stick to drag it on the floor! Had a good talk with our maid and SHE was discouraged. Everyone complained and nothing she can do of course. Felt bad for her and tipped her well. Only I with both hands could open the rusted ungreased patio door. 2023, WIFI should be everywhere. No excuses. The strongest signal was at the lobby and the fastest I was able to get was 6M/sec. Basically if there was an issue with your room like a missing cot for a child well NO ONE was helping. I never saw the cot, asked three times. Finally the beach: you need to take a Kart/shuttle to go there and guess what... it's a swamp. Did you picture yourself jumping on waves? There's none! and it stinks of algae. Never going to that country or Grand Aston hotels again. Not even for free. Keep it! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points
See review
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-04-14
Dear Louis-Philippe Parent: Thank you very much for taking your time to provide feedback about your experience staying at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. Please allow us to express our deepest apologies for the inconvenience and disappointment you experienced while staying with us. We have checked and evaluated the things that you experienced so that they don't happen again in the future. We will check the doors and balcony doors to make them work better. We are working hard to brind more supplies for food and beverage so our guests receive a better offer and service. Our maids are being retraining and we are giving them some supplies of clean. Our beach is 3 kilometers long, the place close to the mangroves is the most rocky, but the beach is extense and have a beautiful places. Once again we apologize profusely for our service which did not meet your expectations. We hope that this will not reduce your interest in returning to stay at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. Feedback from you is very valuable for us to be able to improve and provide the best service for hotel guests. We really hope to be able to serve you with our best service on your next visit. Thank you for the feedback you gave, and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Not bad but not good!

, St Clements, ON
The resort it self was clean. I liked the beach and pool. Some of the bartenders were not friendly at all but some were nice. They couldn't make too many drinks I requested like margarita or Bahama-mama. The el-a-cart restaurants had the best food on the resort. The buffet always ran out of sugar, butter and milk every day. The breakfasts there wasn't too much to choice from and the lunches and dinners were the same food every day. But I didn't go to Cuba for the food but I did expect better than what I got. The public washrooms ran out of toilet paper every day and they were always dirty with only 3 stalls open to use. My party of 5 girls made the best out of what we had which the beach and pool were awesome. The weather was and sunny every day! The excursion we went on was the best of the whole trip. We went on a catamaran to go snorkeling, watch a dolphin show, get in the water with the dolphins and had lunch too. The guys on the catamaran were awesome which made the ride a lot of fun! Although we had a good time, I would not recommend this resort nor will I go back! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-04-04
Dear Sheryl: We heartily thank your taking the time to write such detailed review on your experience at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. We are sure a lot of travelers will, as well, appreciate it. We have been working on some of our not -so- strong points, as mentioned in your comments, with the sole aim of being better prepared to meet our guests' needs. It would be a great pleasure to welcome you back. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Not impressed

, St Marys, ON
The room we stayed in was clean and a beautiful view of the ocean. However the bathrooms on lobbies were very dirty no toilet paper and no lighting. The food was not good barely any fruit half the time the trays were empty.They didn't have fresh eggs except omelets that tasted like rubber. The snack bar barely had anything to eat .The staff weren't friendly they would walk by you and not even say hi.We spoke to management and he basically said they were working on things. We couldn't even use our safe.The phones in the room didn't work . The bars barely had any drinks that you would ask for we were drinking rum with orang pop. The beach bar was the same.I expected alittle more due to I have been to other resorts in Cuba and never had any issues. This resort needs alot of changes the manager didn't even care about what we had to say. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The weak points
Bathrooms dirty bars not able to make drinks the employees not friendly
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-03-31
Dear Tammy Lynne Huston: Thank you for taking the time to provide us with a review. We apologize for having had an unpleasant experience regarding to the lobby´s bathroom cleanliness during your last visit with us. We and the Housekeeping team followed up on what was your complaint, we provided refreshment training to the Housekeeping staff so that cleaning standards, so we make sure this won't happen again in the future. We place the experience and comfort of our guests as our priority, thank you again for your excellent review and we look forward to welcoming you back. Regarding the food that didn't meet your expectations, I followed up with the kitchen team to add variety and better taste and the dishes at the buffet and the restaurants. We really appreciate the assessment and feedback that you gave and we will continue to be consistent in improving quality. We really hope to be able to serve you better again. Once again, thank you for choosing to stay at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa and we look forward to the next arrival of you and your family. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

First time here

, Stayner, ON
Grand aston.
Very nice resort.clean grounds and rooms.were surprising very nice.
Workers were fantastic.
The food well there was plenty. But it's cuba.
The only problem was they ran out of milk alot.
Other that that fantastic place [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-03-28
Cher Dawn M. Gascoigne: Thank you very much for your comments about your experience at our Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. We appreciate that your first time at our resort has been good even though your expectations were not met. We are working hard to give a better service because our guest are our main reason to be the best one. It will be a huge pleasure to welcome you again if you decide to come back. Looking forward it! Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera

Will not be returning!

, Brampton, ON
I've been to various areas of Cuba at least 15 times. I know what to expect in terms of food, amenities etc. I went in with low expectations. This was my first vacation where I was counting down the days to go home. The room was new and spacious and comfortable and that was probably the only positive. The food was atrocious. We are not picky eaters but the food was dreadful. From lack of replenishment to lack of choice to horrible tasting over or undercooked food, we were hungry. We lived on bread and soup broth. The staff was helpless as the food and drink was rationed each day. There was no milk for 3 days. No clean beach towels for 4 of the days. Room towels were not replaced daily. I would salvage ours each day and hang them but after 4 days I had to chase down a maid to ask them to be switched. There was one working outdoor shower near the adults section in the entire resort which left people washing off their sandy bodies in the pools. The rest of the showers were visibly broken and run down. The daily entertainment by the pool was cheesy and sometimes inappropriate for families with children. It was essentially a Magic Mike show from 3-3:30 daily, with workers grinding on the ground, touching themselves or others. The rest of the time they were mainly non existent, asking guests to bring them beer or harassing you to write a review online for them but first they had to take a picture and show their manager for approval prior to you posting. They said they needed to get 30 per day. The sanitary conditions in the buffet and snack bar left a lot to be desired. Dirty plates and cups. Lack of cutlery and napkins. Sticky tables. The service was hit and miss. Some servers were happy and pleasant and ensured you were taken care of the best they could. Others ignored you and appeared miserable and defeated. I came prepared to tip and gladly tipped those that were friendly and helpful. Quite a few staff asked me straight out for a tip or suggested I tip. It became annoying. The main family pool area lacked chairs. There was a lot of space around the pools but not enough chairs. Most were broken if you were lucky enough to get one. The beach is not quite what the pictures depict and is very far from the family section however there are shuttles that will take you to and from. The ocean was murky and grassy in most areas and you had to navigate a clear path to zig zag throughly the grassy rocky bottom to find a clear spot. Water shoes are a must at all times on the beach and in the water. There is plenty of shade and chairs at the beach and getting a spot was no problem. All in all I can say my kids had fun so I guess that's what matters. They lived on bread and ice cream and the occasional plate of pasta if there was some and of course snacks from home. I would not return to this resort nor will I consider visiting Cuba again. The island has really gone downhill since the last time I was there in 2018. With the food being rationed and the overall morale of the locals, it's just not what it was before. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Spacious modern rooms.
The weak points
Food, hygiene, service, beach
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-03-28
Dear KId: Firts of all, thank you so much for share your experience. We understand that you experience did not meet your expectations. We are working hard next to our Department of Food and Beverage to improve the variety and the taste of our food from the Buffet to the a la carte restaurants. And we are working with our Housekeeping Manager to train our maids with advance course. Regarding to th beach, there is a 3 kilometers of beach to enjoy, we had a bad weather during a few days and that is why the water have some seaweed. We are taking into account all your comments, is very important to us because we can identify where we have to focus. We hope you can give us a second chance in a near future. Thank you for your contribution Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera

Beautiful resort

, Toronto, ON
Don't seem to understand no manteca or quesa, I'm lactose intolerant and got sick twice from cheese in omellete and tuna sandwich.
Shortages: Tuesday-no white wine for rest of week. Wed. same for brandy.
Thurs-no tequila. Thurs red wine till later in week. Fri no draught beer
Food at buffet often mis-labelled [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Very clean. Good staff
The weak points
Only railing located at main pool. None at any other stairs. A traveller fell on walkway to/from lobby (requiring stitches around his eye) as path was only patio stones with no railing or light. Food terrible.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-03-17
Dear Terence Burke: Previously we thank you for choosing our hotel as your place to stay while in Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa and for taking the time to write a review about our hotel. We have read your detailed review of our hotel and let me apologize for the inconvenience caused. We realize that this is not in accordance with your expectations. We have recorded all the reviews that you conveyed and brought them to our internal hotel meeting to be followed up so they can be corrected. We are taking taking action in our food and beverage department, together our Chef to improve the quality of the service and the offer. We hope to meet you when you return to Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa and of course with better service from us. Thank you and warm regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Grand Aston Cayo las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa

, Port Lambton, ON
Our overall experience was great!! We had 2 rooms and 1 was not ready when we got there but it was quickly relaced with one that was ready. Unfortunately, the patio door would not lock and it took until the next day to get fixed. The customer service lady Sulay, is an amazing person. She got them right on fixing it the next day when we went to see her. The food at the resort was good. There was not a huge variety but there was always something to eat. Always bread, lunchmeat, cheese, rice, eggs. It was a little disappointing when going into the restaurants and not being able to have chicken or other things, but its understandable. They get what they can get when they can get it. But they always make the most out of it and come up with some pretty good things to eat. The staff was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! Not once did any staff pass us and not say hi or nod their head. One of the friendliest groups of people I have ever met. They have golf carts that will take you anywhere around the resort that you want to go which is great because the Adult section is closer to the beach than anything else (which is where we stayed). The Michael Jackson Experience was awesome. Very good show that I was not expecting. The maid service was great but they could try and move some things to clean under them, like the couch. The bathroom rain shower was good but we had water squirting outside of the shower. We always had wi-fi, even on the beach. We started with 4 hours of access before you had to sign in to the network again and then sometimes it wouldn't work so the guy at the front desk put us up to 2200 hours of access and we were able to keep signing into the network with no issues for the rest of the stay. That is something that should be done right from the start. There was always access to hand sanitizer. The resort is 90 minutes from the airport but you get to travel across a part of Cuba's history on their man made causeway. Overall, this resort was amazing. Traveler's need to understand that the food situation is not ideal anywhere in Cuba. Your vacation is what you make of it and the staff. We brought gifts and tipped a lot and never had anyone that was not appreciative of this. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Beach and Staff
The weak points
Restaurants and food (understandably)
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-02-07
Dear Beach Gofer: It is been a huge pleasure to have you as a guest in our hotel Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa, you always will be very welcome to Cuba as to our resort. Allow us to thank you for take the time to express your opinion, and share your nice experience with the community travelers, for sure this will help and encourage many other possible costumers to decide to spend their vacation in our resort as you do. If you decide to come back to our resort as you are saying, please let us know in advance in order to prepare the best we can for you. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez


, Stouffville, ON
Nice hotel but food is bad [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Sameh Salama: Thank you for your synthetic review. We'll take your comments into consideration to keep on working in the improvement of our services. We would be much honored to serve you once again. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Not thrilled…

, Gatineau, QC
Our family arrived at noon and were told the room would be ready at around 4 pm. We went to the beach and were very disappointed. A lot of shells, troubled water. My daughter cut her foot and was bleeding. Looks like a lake not the ocean. The buffet dining room looks like a hospital cafateria. Not inviting… We decided to change hotel and moved to Iberostar Ensenachos. While at the Iberostar, we learned that clients got access to their room at 7 pm. Not ideal when travelling with children. Altough we haven't seen much of the resort, we would not recommend if you are beach people. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Sylvie Chaput: We heartily appreciate your honest review. Even when the services received have not fully met your expectations. We have very carefully studied all issues mentioned in your review and so far, several corrective actions have been put into practice. We really appreciate your help in identifying our improvement opportunities so we are, eventually able to provide a truly excellent service feeling to all our customers. We would be really honored to have once again as our guests in the near future. Thank you so much for your contribution. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Grand Aston

, Mississauga, ON
Overall great experience, common areas always kept clean, some outdoor chairs by pool and beach need to be repaired, rooms were clean but not great, little details missed.
Buffet and snack bar were great, food was delicious and people serving were wonderful.
Front desk was efficient but not very welcoming, the lady that checked me in was the only one to always say hello and smile throughout my stay, everyone else were not friendly.
Outdoor maintenance of gardens was beautiful, gardener very friendly,people at beach bar and chair moving were very helpful and friendly.
Lobby bar servers were ok, not all of them were friendly, A la carte had great service but main dishes are not great tasting, it was very hard to get a booking for it, my son had to repeatedly go back throughput the day as there was no one ever there.
Golf cart drivers were very friendly and helpful, entertainment was very good, Michael Jackson imitator and dancers were fantastic, Singer in Show Cuban night I think was also very great.
To my family and myself, it was an overall very enjoyable time, we will certainly recommend and come back. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Great food, good and friendly staff, beautiful amenities.
The weak points
Chairs by pool and beach need repairs, floor and shower cleaning in rooms need a tiny bit more work.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Estela Silvera: It has been a real pleasure to read your comments about your stay at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. It satisfies us to know you took a good impression of the hotel and its facilities in general and I want to thank you for all details you offered to the readers. Thank you for consider our hotel a lovely one and it is nice to know you would stay here again. Please, let us know when you decide to come back. We will be waiting for you! Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Marvellous Comfortable Resort, Very Friendly Staff

, Vancouver, BC
I stayed in Fiesta, Adult section In 1154, a lovely very spacious quiet 3 rd floor 1 bedrm suite with ocean views from every room which were spectacular overlooking the 2 km crescent of white fine sand beach. Pablo, the room boy, kept my room spotless as was tthe rest of this large property. Beautiful maturing gardens with many lovely shrubs including fragrant Mariposa Jasmine and spider lillies. The bay is very calm and shallow protected by the headland to the south and is excellent for ocean swimming. I snorkelled several hours a day seeing a turtle, a “cleaning station” with large fish gone over by a juvenile French Angelfish. ( Black with bright lemon yellow vertical bands), 1” Grass Squid - the smallest squid species, coloured like little bumblebees, baby High Hats and about 10 other species and 1 large and sveral “baby” barracudas ( no danger) and Lots of pretty shells. No Biting bugs at all, inside or outside! The balconies are well screened. I ate in the specialty restaurants with fine food washed down with Catalan Cava which I like. The buffet was good. Delicious hamburgers and pizza in the poolside snack bar in the Fiesta section. Cuba makes the most with what food it has given the terrible and illegal US blockade. Ronny , my butler was excellent and could help solve any concerns such as obtaining refills on my Cuban Sim card time. It is a very well managed hotel.Staff from the General manager to gardeners and cleaners were friendly. I enjoyed several Swedish massages in the Ubud Spa which is the nicest spa complex I have seen anywhere.
I have been to Cuba 100 times and this is one of the best hotels I have stayed in [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Room comfort, beautiful gardens, spectacular beach, calm warm ocean, very friendly eager to help staff at all levels, easy check in and out.
The weak points
Very large complex so lots of walking. Electric Carts are readily available to drive those who want it. Limitation of food variety due to the US blockade but the chef's creativity in flavouring and presentation overcame this. 2hr bus ride to Airport.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Kenneth Dent: Thanks for your nice review and for consider our hotel, the best hotel you have stayed in. We are glad to know you consider it was a pleasant stay and thank you very much for letting us know. Such comments are the best award we may receive for our work. Once again, thank you very much and we will be waiting for you in your next visit. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Best Cuban Resort By Far

, Chateauguay, QC
This was our first post Covid trip and it did not disappoint - from the room (we had Oceanview) to the food (a la carte's and the snack bar variety). What a lovely little place to relax and enjoy the sun, so much so we are planning to go back in a few months when winter is upon us!
We were warned in advance about the long bus ride into the resort from the airport so we booked an early flight to be able to enjoy the view and see the small towns we drove through and are glad we did - it shows you where the staff are from and if you get to know them you find out so much more about this beautiful area.
The best has to be the staff, I hope they remain with the Aston when other resorts start to reopen as I know the economy has been hit hard during the pandemic and some resorts were forced to close for awhile and will reopen for high season but you have the best of the best! Do what you have to to keep them ♥ They turn the resort from good to GREAT!! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
#1) The staff make the resort!! Meylin at the lobby bar will NEVER be forgotten, the entertainment guys Fito, Emilio to the buffet staff, Janet and Javier! #2 The food! Tasty a la carte's and the snack bar is unreal - they serve mini pizza's at lunch! ♥
The weak points
The beach is very calm and shallow, good for families with small children as there is not much movement of water.
Sanitary measures
Excellent, always cleaning up - hand sanitizer was available if you wished to use it as it was optional due to the restrictions lifting.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Danyell: We have been honored with your presence at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa and we heartily hope that this visit will not be the last one. I´m completely sure that the next ones will be even greater and you will enjoy more our services and offer. See you soon! Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

One of the best resort in Cuba

, Toronto, ON
Out Standing Resort -- Hugh lobby very clean [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
All staff are very helpful friendly and nice special Javier, Myeline, Frank (Bell boy)
The weak points
Some of the other guests and their children -- did enter the adults only pool from time to time.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Marta Camilleri: Thank you for your review. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Gorgeous resort

, Cambridge, ON
The resort and grounds are gorgeous. The large lobby and bar area are welcoming and well served. The pre show musical entrainment was great.
We stayed in the adult area which is quite far from the main bldg/dining but the shuttles came quick.
It is unfortunate that such a gorgeous resort is lacking in key areas.
The last few days the pool there was getting pretty murky and green on the bottom, lounge chairs very dirty. The washrooms were neglected there as well, 2 of 6 were functioning and rarely had toilet paper. The same in the lobby bathrooms.
It has so much potential [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The resort and grounds are beautiful and the grounds well maintained. Housekeeping staff were excellent and all staff friendly and helpful especially Danita at reception at check in and other times prompt and helpful.
The weak points
Dirty pool and lounge chairs in adult area. Bathrooms lacking repair, toilet paper and attention in all common areas. Food in Cuba is what it is but have had better. The seafood ala carte was not good and several went to the buffet after.
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Nancy: We very much appreciate your review which points out some interesting matters. I understand your experience was not exactly perfect but you can be certain that all your comments have been taken into consideration. Much to our satisfaction, we have already been able to solve most of the issues mentioned in your review. We certainly hope you give us the opportunity to serve once again and provide you an excellent holiday. Thank you so much for your contribution. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Great hotel

, Québec, QC
Great hotel with an excellent staff. Has beautiful beaches and views! The food it's amazing! The hotel has a variety of activities for you to do either with your family or alone. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Great staff. An excellent quality of service! Beautiful beaches!
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Salvadormm: We are so proud to know guests may get such a good impression of our resort! It feels really nice to receive such nice compliments! We are certain that future travelers will benefit from your experience when choosing their next relaxing hide-away. See you soon! Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Paradise on earth

, Kawartha Lakes, ON
This is the second time I have been to this resort and would not want to vacation anywhere else! Top tier rooms, food and entertainment every single day! A big shout out to Luis, Dana, Alfredo, Yeleinis, Manu, Piti, David, for being the entertainment for the week, they are amazing! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Amy Ware: Receive most respectful greetings to you from Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. I would like to thank you for this nice review expressing how it felt to stay at our resort and experience our natural environment, service and human warmth. Hoping to see you soon, Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

5 days in Paradise

, Montréal, QC
Part of me doesn't want to give this resort the review it deserves because I do not want this perfect place to be spoiled by disrespectful travellers. Make no mistake, it is exactly as advertised! As a solo traveller, I was treated well, but it is such a romantic environment that I think I will bring my partner next time. There is an adult side and a family side. The children's enthusiasm was awesome so I did not mind to be around them, but I appreciated the quiet adult side when it was time to sleep.
I worked out on top-notch gym equipment, enjoyed tropical fruit smoothies, met nice people who work at the resort and enjoyed the pools and the ocean. I love Cuba. It was my first time over in Cayo Las Brujas area but it will not be my last. Oh yeah, the entertainment was international level. I felt like I was watching the Grammys. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The pools, gym, buffet, entertainment, staff, the layout of the buildings…
The weak points
Only one negative: I didn't use bug repellant and now I am sorry. Make sure to use bug spray at night!
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Sylvia Stewart: It has been a pleasure to know, through your lively review, how pleased you felt with our facilities and services. It is very rewarding to receive such nice comments which certainly stimulate us to continue working in our service quality. Thank you so much. We hope to host you again, pretty soon, at Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort and Spa. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Awesome hotel

, Hagersville, ON
We are going again for the 4th time in October 2021. We have tried 2 other hotels but shall never change again. The staff is truly amazing! Gino, Javier and the awesome event coordinator (I can't remember her name sadly). I felt at home in a far away destination. They remembered my step son's name etc. It may be our only destination ever it left such a warm feeling. They are family to us now.

Love them all see you in October ;) [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear Dee: Thanks a lot for your review!!! We feel very proud to have inspired this review you have posted! It is really a pleasure to be recognized for our good service and offer It is very good to us to receive these nice comments that stimulate us to continue working in order to improve our service quality. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez

Amazing Vacation

, Toronto, ON
My family and I went to Cuba from February 13th to February 20th 2020. 
We typically love Cuba and we go over here. This year we decided to go to Cayo de las brujas and we were not disappointed.(the only down size is the drive to and from the airport it takes about an hour and a half) The resort is absolutely stunning. It is under 2 years old. I personally didn't find anything broken or anything that wasn't well-maintained. The bed was fairly comfortable. The staff was unbelievable. They went far and beyond to make sure you were well taken care of.

We went to 3 el la carte. The restaurants themselves were beautifully decorated. 

One of the reasons that we went to Cuba was to celebrate my son's birthday. We were meaning to speak to somebody about making birthday arrangements for him. But we never got around to doing it because couple of nights before his birthday, we befriended one of the pastry chef's named Micheal. We told him that they were there to celebrate my son's birthday, he offered to make him a birthday cake. I thought that was a nice gesture, but I really didn't think much of it. Micheal asked us for details. We told him that we booked one of the el la carte for that evening. 

Once my son's birthday arrived, we had a beautiful dinner and right at the end they shut off the lights and the pastry chef Micheal himself along with the staff walked in singing Happy birthday, with the birthday cake. It was such a beautiful and kind gesture and it didn't cost me anything additional. That will be a memory that our family will cherish.

As for the nightly entertainment there was always something going on in the main lobby. That was where we spent most of our time. The staff were constantly trying to make sure everyone had a drink (Dianelys, Lorena, Imirssi) and were well entertained (Javier Gonzalez) My son would be in our room watching Spanish cartoons. Cuba is the only place that I can left my son see you in the room without worrying.

The beach itself was fairly new. They were constantly adding more sand to it (making it longer along the coast). They were currently building a BBQ area, so we had no food once we were at the beach. You would have to go back to the buffet / snack bar to get food and depending where you were staying it was quite a walk. But the staff were very helpful they would pick you up in golf carts and take you where you needed to go.

I strongly recommend this location. I can't wait to book my next trip back to Cuba. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
Hotel reply, PR/Marketing, on 2023-01-25
Dear e costa: First of all many thanks for take your time writing a review. We are so happy to see that you enjoyed your stay with us. For sure that we will share this review with all people you are referring us. It will be a pleasure to receive you again. Best regards, Sales Manager Yamila Herrera Sanchez
pages: 12

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