Hotel was pretty and rooms are great! the food was okay (it is cuba afterall) but the ala cartes were terrible. The beach is amazing - the pools are old but others seemed to enjoy. the service is disappointing - would not go back, but don't regret it. [Details]
Quality - Price
Front desk & Reception
Staff / Crew
Business Services
Food & Restaurants
The strong points
Beach is beautiful, resort is clean, a la carts are disappointing, buffet was fine, service was mediocre.
The weak points
Service overall was poor - 80% of servers were slow or unresponsive. A la cartes were terrible and selection for food wasn't bad, but wasn't good
0 0
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Cayo Coco - Cayo Guillermo's best
Overall Impression Quality vs Price Food & Restaurants Beaches
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Colonial? blau? caribe?....i guess all the same