Melia Costa Rey

Melia Costa Rey
4.03 based on 756 reviews
#3 of 22 hotels The popularity scale (#1/15) classifies all the hotels of a single destination according to the number of grades received on 5 and the total number of reviews. in Cayo Coco - Cayo Guillermo
Rated 4 stars
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Very nice!

, Winnipeg, MB
The hotel is very nice. Modern, loved our updated rooms. The beach was beautiful. White sand, no seaweed, clear water. There are plenty of covered grass huts and loungers for everyone. The buffet was plentiful. Lots of fresh fruit, fish, steak, pork, roasted potatoes, rice, soup, salads. The entertainment was great. Housekeeping did a fantastic job everyday. We would definitely go back. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures

Gran Marena

, Meaford, ON
Lovely beach, safe for all ages and clear water that was SO warm! The main area had animators and entertainment that were blaring painfully loud but the party atmosphere prevailed with pleasant lobby bar staff , cleaners, servers.
Being Cuba, the limitations or temporary shortages were anticipated but very limited in their impact on a fabulous vacation. Refuge from “ good time noise” was found at the Collection area; a major step-up appreciated by mostly more sedate age group( me too!). [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Great for young families and groups; animation staff and meal servers work hard , and are multi-lingual. Fabulous beach
The weak points
Would benefit from some repairs, painting and maintenance

Gran Marena

, Selkirk, ON
We have been going to Cuba for 23 years now. First time at this resort. Very nice and am returning in three weeks. Staff are amazing. Everything was terrific. I know Cuba is having a hard time at this moment. And going through a transition The only thing I missed was a bit more hot water in room and blender drinks. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures

Our stay in February 2024.

, Luskville, QC
We had a lovely time in Gran Marena, Cayo Coco. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
A nice room with a balcony overlooking the resort and a part of the ocean. Lovely food at the main buffet. Nice people, serving, at the desk and working in the gardens.
The weak points
The water supply was twice disrupted and not always warm enough to have a shower.

First time at Gran Marena and possible return

, Courtice, ON
Great location, clean beach, crystal water, nice grounds, customer service . They are only 2-3 people working at the main restaurant that are really happy to help and are very attentive at the client needs.
Need improvement on:
-The bedding and towels are way over used.
-The water had no pressure to shower after 5pm.
-Toiletries to be provided every couple of days and not only at arrival.
-coffee and kettle in the room.
-sometimes at the main buffet restaurant the tables are not set properly after being used already; we sat for many minutes without anyone asking if we need a glas of water; they are no teaspoons. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
1.beach and the water 2.wind surfing 3.staff
The weak points
1.No coffee or kettle in the room. 2.Prebooked a la carte restaurants. 3.All the bedding and towels are way over used. 4.Barman not able to make a Daiquir or El Presidente or simple Mojito (many times)

Anna Ontario

, Brantford, ON
Had a great vacation there with my family.
Food good in buffet ,Cuban, Japanese and French restaurants- planty . People serving , hard working. Trying to please you all the time.
Nice Rooms taken care of by house keepers.
Our lady has made on a bed from a towel something nice every day .
Special thanks to the Gardener -Alexis. Always smiling , saying good morning everyday . [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The weak points
Not working elevator.

Best Vacation

, Dundas, ON
Spacious lobby bar with live entertainment daily [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
Sanitary measures
Bathrooms cleaned hourly or even more often


, Windsor, ON
We very much enjoyed our stay at the resort. The room was clean and we had no issue with hot water or electricity.
Our hospitality crew were all spot on and we were more than happy with beach access and food supply! The collections will be the place for us in the near future! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Staff Friendliness, wide variety and selection of food and drinks, cleanliness of the facilities. Entertainment and activities were plentiful.
The weak points
Being asked to leave the collections side on a rainy day because we were having "too much fun" and being "too loud" for the other guests. There were twelve of us that were asked to leave and we felt at 45 we should not be with the children!

Beautiful Beaches

, Oshawa, ON
Weather is extremely nice, always keep between 22 to 28.
The beaches are so great, beautiful white colour sand as soft as silk.
Unfortunately, mosquito is horrible. Fly is everywhere, even on some foods.
Food is not delicious, food service is slow, I have to wait 10 minutes to get two baked eggs. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Price is cheap
The weak points
Service is poor

Wont be back!

, Toronto, ON
The hotel is outdated and premises are uncared for. The food is not good with limited options and long lines for even basic things, not prepared well. There is a cockroach infestation in the main buffet, where you eat most of the meals, as well as the japanese restaurant. We had to leave our meals several times because roaches were crawling all over the table, walls and floors. Black flies are also relentless. The tiles in the pools are falling off, water hygiene is not maintained. The kids had scraped their feet several times. The service is a hit and miss, you have to tip to get service. People who work here are doing their best, but seem unhappy. The hotel ran out of ice frequently, and of sugar one day. There are not enough shades in the beach or pool area. I wont be back to this hotel, or Cuba, as I feel the money we pay for doesnt go to the people or developing the tourism sector as things seemed to have deteriorated since the last time I was in Cuba. It didnt feel like a vacation at all!
I couldnt upload photos on this site as all photos it said was too large to upload. I hope you read the bad reviews and take notice. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Lovely beach Nice rhum cocktails A few friendly servers, coffee lady and Joni at the bar
The weak points
Cockroaches & black flies Food & service Running out of ice frequently Lack of care and maintenance Rude and inattentive servers

Expériences vécues

, Montréal, QC
Alimentation: il ne faut pas être très compliqué côté alimentation. C'est toujours la même chose: porc, poisson. Très peu de poulet et pas de boeuf du tout. Il y a parfois des crevettes mais c'est rare. Le café filtre du buffet goûte littéralement la merde (pardon) mais le cappuccino du lobby est super bon. Il ne manque pas d'alcool ou de bière. Le matin, c'est du pain, des fruits et des oeufs. Ils font aussi des petites crêpes. Je suis contente d'avoir apporté de la nutella et du beurre d'arachide pour les enfants. J'ai aussi amener du splenda car ici, il n'y en a pas. Le resto français La Perla est très bien. J'éviterais le resto cubain: sur le menu le boeuf et l'agneau ne sont pas dispo donc ça revient au porc, au poisson et au poulet (bouilli et mis sur le grill avec de la sauce BBQ). Nous avons aimé le resto japonais même si nous mangions les mêmes aliments. Sauf au resto français, où nous avons mangé 1/2 queue de langouste, vous ne trouverez pas de langouste grillée à cet hôtel. En effet, le cuisinier qui travaille au grill de la plage en vendait à 20$ chacune aux touristes mais il s'est fait prendre par l'administration de l'hôtel.

Propreté: la chambre est super propre: pas de bibitte, la climatisation fonctionne très bien nous sommes dans le bloc 31 à côté de tout. Dans le frigo, il y a bière, eau et boissons gazeuses à tous les jours. Par contre, au buffet, il y a beaucoup de coquerelles: Partout partout! Et non, ce ne sont pas des Palmetto; ce sont bel et bien des coquerelles :-(. Il y a aussi une tonne de mouches au buffet.

Serviettes de plage: Il n'est pas possible de changer les serviettes de plage sur le site, il n'y a jamais personne au kiosque. Mais nous demandons à la femme de chambre et elle nous les change.

Les piscines:
Très belles et très grandes mais l'eau n'est pas claire. Elle est brouillée et parfois même visqueuse. Il y a des particules blanches dans l'eau. Le spa est complètement fermé. Les tuiles de type mosaïque des piscines se défont et ne sont pas réparées.
Il y a toujours des chaises à la piscine mais il y a très peu d'ombre. Apportez vous de la crème solaire en quantité industrielle. J'ai vu plusieurs personnes brûlées au 3e degré après leur première journée. Apportez vous du chasse-moustique car dès que le soleil se couche, c'est la fiesta des moustiques: Lobby, plage, partout partout…

Lieux: Le terrain de basket et de tennis est en décrépitude totale. Il y a des boyaux d'incendie étalés sur le terrain de basket depuis notre arrivée et il n'y a pas de ballon ou de raquettes.
Les tables de pool sont usée à la corde et les bâtons n'ont plus de petits bouts feutrés. Les balles de ping-pong sont inexistantes.
Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'entretien des lieux: butch de cigarette et verre de plastique un peu partout. C'est aussi la faute des touristes car ils ne se ramassent pas. Beaucoup de déchets qui traînent.
Il y a beaucoup de tourisme cubain présentement. Il y a une petite fermette à côté du resto cubain. Sur le site, vous trouverez chats, lapins, poules…

Plage: la plage est belle mais elle n'était pas calme comme à l'habitude. Il y avait des orages à tous les soirs dans l'océan. Il y avait aussi des algues. La location de petits catamarans ou de pédalos n'étaient pas possible. Il y a des chaises pour tous le monde. Par contre, les cabanes pour l'ombre sont en décrépitudes totales. De plus, il y a tellement de déchets sur la plage, c'est incroyable! Mon fils de 6 ans ramassait les pailles, bouteilles, bouchons, verre de plastique, assiettes en polystyrène, etc

Nous avons pris le bus à 5$ pour aller à Pilar ( passe devant l'hôtel: l'horaire y est affiché). De notre hôtel, ça prend 1:30 pour aller. On voit tous les hôtels et le paysage. Il y a un étendu d'eau avec beaucoup de flamants rose. La plage est magnifique mais ça déjà beaucoup changé depuis ma dernière fois (il y a 15 ans). Il n'y a plus d'étoiles de mer dans le fond de l'eau. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Spectacles le soir et groupes de chansonniers au lobby
The weak points
Alimentation, coquerelles et mouches au buffet. Piscines sales
Sanitary measures
Aucun distributeur de gel hydroalcoolique sur le site

Pullman Cayo coco

, Thorold, ON
Arrived in late evening-hallway lights in corridor not working-found many problems with room,moved to another room next day.In new room shelf holding tv was coming out of wall had to put suitcase to keep from falling,informed management and they said someone will take care of it, no one did. I have been to cuba before and loved the food this time was very different.We travel to an island every year and I'm very sad to say we won't be returning to Cuba .The people were wonderful! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Most employees were great
The weak points
Food was terrible.tolilets always running,been in four rooms,all toilets running

A Fantastic Experience at Pullman

, Sarnia, ON
We chose Pullman Cayo Coco - Cuba after much research and wow, was it the perfect choice. From the moment we arrived at the resort, we were surrounded in peacefulness, the blue ocean ( the only resort to show you the ocean when you get off the bus), a warm, caring and professional team (thank you for treating us so well!), excellent food offerings (buffet, Italian, Japanese, French were all enjoyable-loved all the desserts & smoothies! Some shortages, minimal disruption in our appetite!) amenities galore, exciting excursions(the Jeep Safari and Pilar Beach trip both worth doing! Recommend booking ahead of time), fantastic entertainment (Michael Jackson tribute & Rock Night were our favourites!), a beautiful and quiet suite w/ocean view (loved the 3400 block- away from the pool area, cleaning staff were prompt and we always had bottled water, a spotless room & fresh bath/beach towels) and mimosas as far as the eye could see! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Location, landscaping, professional staff, friendliness, amenities, beach, food offerings, atmosphere
The weak points
Some food shortages

Our stay at the Pullman Cayo Coco

, Dwight, ON
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Pullman Cayo Coco. The rooms were clean, and supplies (toiletries, towels etc) were reliable. Although warned not to expect much re: the food, we found the food to be very good. Water bottles were plentiful and we were able to keep the water chilled in the mini fridges in our room. The staff were friendly and very helpful. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The beach was beautiful - swept clean of debris in the morning, ample places to sit in the shade, clear blue water and a beautiful warm temperature of the ocean. Very relaxing.
The weak points
Since our outbound flight was late, the hotel provided a courtesy room to enable us to shower & change before leaving for the airport. The courtesy room was not adequately supplied, nor was the 30 min allotted time limit enough for 4 people to shower.

The Pullman

, Brantford, ON
The resort is beautiful. The room was big and very clean. The pool area is awesome. Lots of space, clean as well.
There are a couple of stores, cigars, a few souvenirs, but nothing else. If you are coming down here in the next week or so, bring your condiments, ketchup, mustard, mayo, chips, chocolate bars, salt and pepper. They have none of the above.
There is 1 snack bar open 24 hours and serves fries, pizza, pork sandwich and chicken sandwich ( which isn't the greatest).
The food, is basic, bland. That's where your condiments come in. There is a lot of rice, pizza, little or no cheese, lots of vegs, lettuce, tomato's, cucumbers, maybe bring your own salad dressings.
Still trying to find the workout room. There is a bus that leaves the Pullman at 9:20 am everyday and goes to a market in town somewhere (trying this tomorrow).
There are day trips as usual.
We are finding the staff to be helpful, happy, and courteous.
This is our first time here at the Pullman. We would come back, but for a week instead of 2
The beach is beautiful for walking. Been a bit windy here the last couple of days. Somewhat over cast. Gives your sunburn a day off. Lol.
The currency is a little confusing. Some want Canadian and some American. Even there own currency. Just check at the front desk for tipping and day trips what your suppose to tip with.
We brought a lot of stuff for the locals and they love it.
We flew with Sunwing and our ride down was a bumpy one due to a weather system over the States. We arrived a little later then planned.
They have beer on the bus, $5 Canadian.
Sign in was simple, fast. Then we found the 24 hour snack bar and went drinking !
Safe travels. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points

Vacation in Cuba

, Mississauga, ON
We spent our week from January 27 to February 03. When we arrived at the hotel we were greeted and welcomed. Waited for the room couple of hours and at the end we were very happy with our deluxe room with the view onto the main garden.
Building 31 [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures

Very Happy BUT

, Saint Bruno de Montarville, QC
Always taking into consideration that this is Cuba everything about the hotel, the front line staff, the food and services was very good BUT. There was no running water on our first 4 days and sporadic running water for a couple days after in our hotel and apparently the entire island. The front line staff did their best at keeping us informed but the General Manager was no where to be seen during this major event [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The staff was great, food for Cuba was very good The hotel was very well kept. and the beach was among the best we have seen.
The weak points
During a 4 day period of no running water General manager was no where to be seen and the communication to all the guests could of and SHOULD have been a lot better. There was a lack of shade around the pool area.

Pullman review

, Halifax, NS
Nice resort, great beach and pool with lots of beach huts. Great lobby bar, snack, pool and beach bars. Restaurant s were good, buffet's were average. No white wine and not a great selection of alcohol for cocktails. Great nightly entertainment. Has to wait 3 days for beach towels and had to get our room key reset everyday. Staff were very friendly and helpful and resort was clean, could use a little tlc in the rooms. Resort only 15 mins from airport. Overall a good resort and good experience. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Great beach and pool with lots of chairs and sun protection. Nice lobby bar, good restaurants and very good nightly entertainment. Friendly helpful staff, great location.
The weak points
No white wine, only bottles to purchase. 3 day wait for beach towels. Room key had to be reset everyday. Ran out of butter.
Sanitary measures
Resort and room was clean

Family Vacation - Jan 2 - 11, 2023

, Trenton, ON
Entertainment Staff, Activities, Servers and Gardeners were amazing. A la Carte meals were good.

Shortages experienced at this resort are beyond imaginable. Snack bar & Buffet are horrible. Never again!

When speaking with others on the beach they mentioned that the other section of the resort - the Collection side was experiencing very little shortages. VERY POOR MANAGEMENT. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Staff and Entertainment
The weak points
Shortages - no food, no drinks, no special tropical drinks.
Sanitary measures


, Oakville, ON
Hotel was okay. Definitely needs renovations. Food was extremely disappointing. Barely any vegetarian options. Same food was served every day pretty much. Staff was great but felt very sorry for them because they travelled by bus every day (each way 1 hour) and they looked exhausted. Wouldn't go back to this resort [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Great staff
The weak points
Terrible food, room was okay. Washroom had broken tiles

Definitely not a 5 star.

, Orangeville, ON
First off, the staff were great, so this review is not a reflection on them. The Pullman is quite run down. There were problems with getting water in the room(s), the beds were very hard and uncomfortable and the general repair of tiles, paint and doors was not good. Tiles are missing in the pools, the walkways are painted poorly, but natural stone would have been a better choice.

The staff at the buffet were very kind and helpful. The food wasn't wonderful, but there was a lot of choices, so no chance of going hungry. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The weak points
As above, general repair and workmanship throughout the resort.

Not bad, but the worst.

, Pointe-Claire, QC
Avoid staying at this hotel even if you must cancel your trip. I have been fifteen times to Cuba and have stayed in different hotels but have never been to such a miserable one. We had booked a “luxury ocean front” room but the size and furniture were like those found in cheapest motels. Torturous was sleep quality on the mattress. One very small face towel per person like those little hand towels in cheap motels. Take your wet swim towels to your room as I tried at least five times during our one week stay to change them but never available. Reception and terrace are located above swimming pool area with more than thirty steps. We were told that their only elevator was not functional since a month before our arrival. Guests rush to the terrace after dinner to line up for a drink from the only bar open. Only cheapest drinks are served, better ones simply not available. There are around one hundred constantly occupied seats available on the terrace for a hotel that has several hundred guest capacity.
Buffet restaurant is not an exception to serve poor quality foodstuff. There was a tipping vase on every counter where staff put something on guests' plates. A heart-breaking experience if you did not tip each one and if you did, your poor-quality dinner would cost around ten dollars just in tips. Full serve restaurants are somewhat better in quality but poorer in quantity. Briefly, this hotel wants to give you as little as possible. Simply stay away. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
Nice swimming pools and flowers around it
The weak points
Global mediocrity including foodstuff, room, sleep quality and maintenance.
Sanitary measures
It was respected.

One of the best vacations

, Montréal, QC
Everything was great. We got a great deal for 2 weeks & we're finally able to come to the Pullman Cayo Coco. Definitely no regrets!! Hope to come back. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The staff, the food, & the beach. The 4 à la carte restaurants, all very good. The dive center on site was an extra plus for my husband.
The weak points
It was hard to get a chair around the pools, in the afternoons.

Pullman Cayo Coco

, Lower Sackville, NS
This was our 3rd trip to the Pullman and it gets better every time. The staff is amazing from the time you meet the receptionist at the front desk to the gardeners taking care of things. The bar staff remembered our drinks and at times we didn't even need to order and they were already on their way to our table. The food is amazing everyday along with the staff in the buffet. The resort and the rooms are very clean. We have tried one other resort in Cuba but will now only go to the Pullman. This is a 5 star resort all the way. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures

Our stay at Pullman Dec 18-25, 2021

, Woodstock, ON
Excellent & very friendly staff , excellent food, sometimes food was very cool, room was very comfortable, updated & very clean, great toiletries in the room , we were not very happy with the drinks, same bars ,drinks were very different by different bartenders, lots & lots of lounge chairs , excellent beach, great entertainment, great pools , we found the resort was very clean but in dire need of lots of TLC, there are many many trip hazards, no elevators in the buildings, we were on the 3rd floor , & I had a bit of a rough time with them but just took my time . Checkin & out was very fast & efficient. Internet is free but only 5 hours at a time ,so when you go off make sure you turn off the wifi or it will continue to count down , poor reception in the room ,none at pools & beach ,main lobby had excellent reception.m [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sanitary measures
The strong points
The staff, the beach, the pools, the food
The weak points
Resort maintenance, drinks,


, Grand Sault, NB
My husband and I really enjoyed our stay. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
The strong points
The room and other facilities were very clean. Food was good. Service was also very good. The beach was amazing.
The weak points

Hotel review

, Maple, ON
We liked everything except luck of wifi [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants

Pullman Cayo Coco - first time in Cuba

, Toronto, ON
Fantastic hotel, great friendly staff, delicious food, awesome entertainment. The quick drive from the airport was an added bonus, as well as the beautiful ocean just steps away. The adults only section is a wonderful escape for people just looking for quiet and relaxation. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
The strong points
We have always been hesitant to visit Cuba but our experience at Pullman was perfect! We will be back!
The weak points
There was a bit of construction/maintenance around the pool area which is why it only received 4/5. The only other improvement I could think of would be to offer free Wi-Fi throughout the resort.

Family Vacation at the Pullman Cayo Coco

, Woodbridge, HA
We were travelling in a group of 8 people (5 adults and 3 kids)

Check in - was smooth, no issues, they gave us the rooms we requested when we booked

Food - large variety of food for both kids and adults. Fish everyday, pasta, pizza, burgers, etc
My only issue with the buffet, was they had no kids area for food, which was a challenge. We did have to wait in line at the buffet to get pasta (which the kids loved) but we would have to wait at least 20-30 mins. They didn't have pasta already where you could serve yourself. That being said, the pasta was delicious.

Beach - was beautiful and lots to do for the kids and family. Free catamaran on the resort, volleyball, basketball, tennis, ping pong. Pools were super clean and always games for the kids to play
Lots of chairs, we did reserve ours, but there were so many.
You can also take long walks on the beach which was nice
We did encounter some jellyfish but they didn't sting, so no issue

Rooms - beautiful, big and super clean. I loved the bathroom, where you can shower and bath at the same time :)

Last time I was in Cuba was 10 years ago, they really stepped up there service and food quality. I went not having high expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised how good everything was

Entertainment - was average, some nights were good, some were a bit boring (only when they did stuff with the audience - that was 2 nights out of the 7)

Overall great trip, only 10 mins from the airport! [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
The strong points
Beach was beautiful, food was tasty
The weak points
Need a children's area for the buffet. Hard to wait in line for mains like (fish, meat and pasta)

Rapport qualité-prix à revoir

, Québec, QC
Le séjour était correct mais n'a pas correspondu à nos attentes. Selon notre avis, l'hôtel est un bon 3.5 étoiles et non un 5 étoiles.
L'hôtel en général (installations extérieures, aires communes) est négligé et mal entretenu: l'ameublement du lobby est sale et usé, des carreaux de céramique des piscines sont manquants, les accès en bois (passerelles vers la plage) sont défraîchis et la peinture est élimée, la propreté est généralement défaillante. Le site le plus impropre est la salle de restauration du buffet: les murs sont souillés d'éclaboussures de nourriture, les pattes des chaises sont sales. Un matin, il y avait encore des saletés de la vieille à terre, mêlées à 2 mégots de cigarettes dans un coin (???). Les machines à café automatiques coulaient régulièrement et il était fréquent de voir des guenilles à terre pour absorber l'eau. Aux heures de pointe, il manquait régulièrement d'assiettes et nous n'avons jamais réussi à avoir un ustensile de service par plat (il fallait utiliser le même ustensile pour plusieurs plats car il manquait toujours de cuillères ou de pinces pour se servir). Le buffet était très abondant avec beaucoup de variétés de poissons, viandes, fromage, salades, etc. Tout n'était pas toujours très bon mais c'était varié pour Cuba. Par contre, c'était répétitif midi et soir. Aucune thématique.
Mention spéciale au buffet du 31 décembre qui était spectaculaire autant au niveau du montage que des choix de plats (abondance de fruits de mer; langoustes, crevettes, pétoncles, couteaux, etc., charcuteries, fromages, viandes: cochon entier, cuisse de boeuf rôtie, etc.)
Les restaurants étaient impeccables, joliment décorés, au goût du jour, avec un personnel appliqué et courtois et un service très professionnel. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié d'autant que c'était très bon (français, italien et cubain très bons mais japonais plus ordinaire). À savoir: les heures et le choix de restaurant sont pré-déterminés au check-in, c'est un peu difficile de faire des changements mais en insistant un peu, nous y sommes arrivés. Donc gros écart de qualité entre le buffet et les restaurants.

La chambre était propre et semblait récemment rénovée. Confortable et agréable. Nous avons choisi côté "lagon" mais le lagon est un bras d'eau qui ressemble plus à un canal qu'à un lagon... Par contre, c'est le coin le plus tranquille. Les femmes de chambre sont particulièrement dérangeantes le matin au moment de leur tournée de nettoyage. Tôt le matin, elles se parlent d'une chambre à l'autre assez fortement sans égard à la tranaquillité des clients.
Il y a une basse-cour sur le site de l'hôtel: nous étions situés proche et il y avait un coq qui chantait à n'importe quel moment de la nuit, et un autre volatile lui rendait sa chanson, La première nuit nous avons trouvé cela comique mais rendu à la fin du séjour, on n'était plus capable d'entendre le chant du coq aux petites heures du matin (3h, 4h, etc).

Les 2 spectacles auxquels nous avons assisté étaient très bien, menés par des professionels du spectacle (la soirée brésilienne était réussie). Les petites prestations musicales dans le lobby au moment de l'apéro étaient sympathiques et plaisantes également. Pour ce qui est des animations de l'équipe de l'hôtel, elles sont conformes à ce que l'on peut avoir dans un tout-inclus si on aime les activités de partys autour de la piscine l'après-midi.

La plage est belle et propre, le sable est fin et blanc, aucune algue. Il y a des chaises longues en abondance et c'est la première fois où nous n'avons pas besoin d'aller réserver nos chaises le matin puisqu'il n'en manque pas à aucun moment de la journée.

Nous nous sommes fait dire à quelques reprises que le Pullman était un des 3 meilleurs hôtels de Cayo Coco. À la suite de notre séjour, nous nous questionnons sur la prestation des autres hôtels de cayo coco ou si simplement la réputation/classification du Pullman n'est pas surévaluée - à moins peut-être de se loger dans la section Collection qui semblait réellement être de catégorie 5 étoiles... Bien que le séjour fût agréable en général, nous ne pensons pas retourner au Pullman. [Details]
  • Room
  • Quality - Price
  • Front desk & Reception
  • Beaches
  • Location
  • Bathroom
  • Staff / Crew
  • Cleanliness
  • Food & Restaurants
The strong points
- Plage belle, grande et propre - Quantité suffisante de chaises longues (neuves) - Pina colada au bar du lobby - la qualité des restaurants - Chambre confortable et agréable
The weak points
- Le manque d'entretien des installations extérieures - L'état général des aires communes surtout au buffet (sales ou négligées) - Personnel courtois mais sans plus - la basse-cour et le coq dans la nuit
pages: 123

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