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Puerto Vallarta
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Nice property
Rita, Calgary, Al
The hotel was very nice, the view fabulous.Lots of a la carte restaurants, no reservations needed and good food. Front desk staff always very helpful.Cleaning staff do a nice job. Lots of activities and the entertainment in the lobby every night was very good. Overall a good experience. Esthetics: The hallways need painting. It is the second inpression of the hotel once done in the lobby. Makes the hotel appear shody, which it is not. [Détails]
Réception de l'hôtel
Situation géographique
Salle de bain
Mesures sanitaires
Les points forts
Pool area were very nice. There were good a la carte restaurants during the day. No reservations required for either day or night a la cartes.Very easy to spend time in the water as they have substantial water breaks so even kids could enjoy the water.
Les points faibles
The buffet definitely needs a new chef. Offerings very mundane and either tastless or too salty.
0 0
Amazing Place!
Cheryl Peters, Calgary, AB
We LOVED our stay at the Hilton Vallarta. Definitely will be back!! [Détails]
Réception de l'hôtel
Situation géographique
Salle de bain
Mesures sanitaires
Les points forts
excellent food, view from room was incredible!
Les points faibles
- some of the service seemed understaffed although just at 2 restaurants.
Mesures sanitaires
0 0
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Puerto Vallarta, vos préférés:
Évaluation globale Rapport qualité-prix Restauration Plage(s) Vacances en famille Couples
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Nice property
Esthetics: The hallways need painting. It is the second inpression of the hotel once done in the lobby. Makes the hotel appear shody, which it is not. [Détails]
Amazing Place!